Today, I received a mail from a Zimbabwean Econet GPRS subscriber gentleman
asking me about server hosting and using free GPRS exploits. While I
will be providing tips and tricks regarding GPRS data service in this
specific article, I will however be covering the server hosting part in a
different section. I also wish to apologize for not having a comment
system for these articles, as it makes it inconvenient, but most of the
times comments get filled with useless junk spam and hence it is not
available here. Getting back to the main topic of mobile network GPRS
service - The cheat-codes, hacks and exploits follow up in the next
Mobile Networks have gotten smarter within the last
decade, their billing system has improved many folds as a result even
developing economies / nations enjoy mobile network technologies which
are at par with the ones in developed countries like USA and UK. The
tricks to send free sms have since long time vanished but have been
replaced with a cheaper sms rate and some free bulk smsing sites. A
similar change has been brought in the GPRS service segment where the
data access costs have reduced considerably but the exploits and hacks
for free mobile internet browsing have only become rare or disappeared.
The following are the most basic tricks for free mobile GPRS access,
they may not work on all mobile networks worldwide but they sure will
hopefully work on some.
is by far the oldest trick to access free internet on mobile phone,
sadly it also rarely works these days as it has been so old and naive.
The trick is to get hold of one url (site address) which is not charged
by the operator. For example: It can be
(this is just an example) which might be free of cost to access on
Econet mobile network as the site actually belongs to the parent
company. So what we will do here is that we will add an
@ sign after the url and then add the main url / site address which you wish to visit. i.e. If you wish to visit you will need to type and magically you will land up at
This trick somewhat fools your GPRS service provider regarding the
address which you want to visit. The trick used to work 100 percent sure
earlier but now its a bit difficult to predict how it would fare with
different networks of the world like Vodafone, Hutch, Airtel, Vodacom,
MTN, Idea, Reliance, T-Mobile, Verizon and more. It is however
definitely worth a try. Please keep in mind that only http requests will
be possible via this trick and ssl, ftp, instant messenger service will
not work with it
Sometimes within
the GPRS settings we find a note from service provider mentioning us to
have an 80 primary proxy port set in order to access GPRS, such a system
can be exploited to access free GPRS service manually as well as via an
application client like Teashark Mobile Web Browser. The logic behind
such a browsing is that, your mobile pone accesses websites in parts via
the 80 proxy port which enables it to surpass any detection of usage.
Manually you can access any site for free of cost by adding
:80 after the domain name and extension. For example: While adding
post number after each url domain, its more logical to use the TeaShark
Browser which follows the same pattern and saves your cost. This Free
GPRS trick works for most mobile networks around the world and
especially was a hyped up flaw for the Airtel Live Service.
Sites are secure sites which require as well as provide a ssl
certificate of access authentication. It is found that its free to surf
such sites on certain few mobile networks, including that of UK and some
parts of Europe. The success of such a trick is a boon but it hardly
makes any difference as 98 percent of mobile websites do not follow the
https service request protocol. Hence this trick may be working but it is dud when the quotient of usability arises.
networks have changed the way they do their billing these days. The
subscriber bears burnt if he accesses GPRS service without being
subscribed to any GPRS subscription Plans. The best way to avoid being
charged much is to subscribe to the GPRS plan in its infancy
introductory stage and adhere to it. Most mobile networks globally
follow a system to upkeep a subscription plan unless the subscriber opts
for a competent new service or unsubscribes from it. Another method is
to maintain a nil balance sheet i.e zero account balance and then trying
to access the service. The last alternative for free mobile internet
browsing / surfing is hacking into the mobile network intranet server
and never paying a penny to them. The last resort seems preposterous,
and should not be resorted to.
Since free GPRS browsing has become
a scarce opportunity, its better to employ means to save data usage by
following certain set of actions like:
1) Disable images in the mobile web browser.
2) Browse only .mobi or mobile optimized sites.
3) Use a bandwidth saver application like Opera mini.
4) Etc... Etc
will be detailing such tips within the next GPRS tricks article, till
then you may try and enjoy free browsing via any of the above methods.
Just please make sure if the network is charging you with any credit
cost before you start using these cheat-codes on a massive scale. Since
no system is free from loop-holes, more GPRS access tricks are bound to
come up in future, so have us bookmarked in your browser, as we will be
sharing those free GPRS tricks wit the entire world.